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Junior High Ministry:

The Narrow

The Narrow is for junior high students in South Orange County.

Meeting Times

The Narrow Service
Saturday at 5pm in 120 East & Sunday at 11am in 120 East
The Narrow Small Groups
Wednesday at 6:30pm in 120 East

Led by

Pastor Jacob Mock

TNN Menu

Chick-Fil-A & GF Chicken

About The Narrow Ministry

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.
– Matthew 7:13-14

Pointing Students to the Narrow Road
Jesus said that the Narrow road is hard, but it is the only one that leads to life! We are committed to preaching the biblical gospel to our students here in the Narrow.

Preparing Students for Life on the Narrow Road
Our world is an increasingly difficult one for junior-high students who desire to live the Christian life. We are committed to training students in God’s word to live for Christ in a world that opposes Christ and his word.

Practicing Life on the Narrow Road
Every Christian needs examples and motivation to live the way God wants them to. We are committed to providing godly leaders who challenge and encourage students to be living for Christ.

Partnering with Parents to Guide Students on the Narrow Road
The most impactful relationship a student has is with their parents. We are committed to working together with parents as they disciple their students.

TNN Wednesdays
Wednesday nights are called The Narrow Night (TNN) around here and we aim to make Wednesday the best night of the week for our 7th and 8th grade students. At TNN, we do it all: dinner, expository preaching, small groups, and more! We believe the best way for students to grow in their understanding of God’s word is through expository preaching and sermon based small group questions. If you have a 7th or 8th grade student, we would love to see them at TNN on Wednesday night!

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What’s Happening

Our Team

Jacob Mock

Jacob was born and raised in Savannah, GA in a Christian family. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies from Liberty University in 2019, and is currently working on…

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Jose Maldonado

Jose was born and raised in Orange County. God saved him in 2018 going into his senior year of high school. He’s been serving in Student and Spanish ministry ever…

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Candy Zelaya

Candy was born and raised in Southern California and has her Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. Before working at Compass, she worked in special education as both an instructional aid…

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The Narrow Podcast

Weekly teaching for Jr High Students

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